3 Ways To Prepare To Win at Your Next Pitch Meeting!

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3 Ways To Prepare To Win at Your Next Pitch Meeting!

Did you assume that because you sent over your pitching materials to a potential buyer, that they’ve actually read through them? Well, here are 3 ways to prepare to win at your next pitch meeting regardless if they’ve read them or not.

Today, in a coaching session I helped prepare my client, (perhaps saved her from an impending disaster), to win!

I recently sat in a pitch meeting watching a young lady try to pitch after learning the materials she’d sent over hadn’t been read before her pitch meeting. I can tell it threw her for a loop.

Oh Lord, where do I start now?

registered across her face, after she was told the aforementioned. Of course, she stumbled through a somewhat impromptu pitch because she’d prepared something different; she’d prepared to discuss what was sent over prior to her meeting.

My client, whom I was coaching today assumed the same; that the person she was meeting with read through her bible and script.

Code Red.

This is where I fly in with my cape and my TPG crown and save her! (TPG…the pitch guru?!? Duh.)

My advice to her, was the same that I share with you below.

Read and take heed!

Do not assume because you sent over your pitching materials to someone you are pitching that they’ve actually read through them. Honestly, there barely is ever anytime to read through 90+ pages of materials, and even if they have a team member who reads through this stuff, and marks a “consider” on the good reads before passing them on to the decision maker, you still have to assume that either the decision maker took their trusted companions word, or have only read through the brief synopsis that the trusted reader wrote. But NEVER assume they read word for word your 10-30 page bible and/or 90-120 page script!

Here is what I suggest you do in a pitching situation where you’ve previously sent over your materials:


1. First, ask if they’ve had a chance to read over the materials you sent ahead of the meeting. Based on their response,

2. Prepare a pitch for both situations.

* Pitch A- The Blind Pitch – is sort of like a blind date you’ve been set up on where you are getting to know this person for the first time. It’s a pitch where you are selling the most important details of your project from start to finish; pilot to finale or from Act 1, to Act 3. Practice selling yourself in 7 minutes. Then check in to see if they follow before continuing on.

* Pitch B- Match.com Pitch – This is a pitch, sort of like finding a match on a dating site. You already have started the getting to know process online, by phone or text, but this first date, takes you a bit deeper. You should reiterate your quick synopsis, and then talk about other important facts of your project that your materials may not have addressed or that are necessary to reiterate because they are points that the buyer must be clear on. Discussing topics like your themes, your why, how it all relate to the world in which we live, how you see subsequent seasons going; the sequel, and/or your wish-lists are points to bring up in your pitch.

You can’t go wrong if you practice both ways! And for my final tip…

3. Create an agenda of the top 5 or 6 things that you MUST mention in your pitch so that no matter which scenario you encounter, you will leave knowing you’ve pitched all of the most important details about your project!

My point is to forewarn you and prepare you for the unexpected. Practicing both ways will alleviate you from feeling stuck at the realization that the pitchee has not done their homework!

If you don’t have my book, #100Pitches: Mistakes I’ve Made So You Don’t Have To, this means we are on a blind date! Buy it now on Amazon!

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