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Are You Thinking Forward?
I met with an executive producer for a project format reality show I had created. We met to discuss my format bible. And, even though it was hell to create, I looked on the bright side- Hey, I got to the next steps with her and have possibly began packaging my TV show idea with an executive producer. Yay!

This EP also happens to have headed a development team for a production company, as well as, having executive produced her own notable reality shows.

We talked through my 20-page format bible, and she questioned a few of my creative decisions; ones that I may want to consider changing. She left the decision up to me, which also meant if I changed them; I had more work to do.

Her development thinking cap was on big time, and she forced me to think of the uniqueness of my show and how it fit into the years to come. She got me to thinking how I can reinvent the ways this typical format has been done in the past. (GRRR… I thought I had done that.) Sigh. It’s the part I used to abhor when I first started pitching; being told that my idea wasn’t perfect. I’m learning to get over myself. Okay, So…I’m not perfect! It isn’t the end of the world. (Well, I eventually landed on this way of thinking; at first I crushed to learn this news!)

In minutes, she managed to brainstorm all of the unconventional, yet brilliant and relevant new innovations that shaped 2015 and how we could incorporate them, turning my show into a…trendsetting and amazing idea.

Did you pick up on the WE like I did? BINGO!!!!!

I still have much work to do as I work on packaging this show and getting it on air. But, WE’RE moving in the right direction.

My takeaways: Don’t feel dejected when asked to reconsider new ideas. It’s not a form of rejection. It really means your concept has potential. It means you are in the beginning of a potential development deal! It isn’t a NO, it’s a MAYBE SO… provided you are willing to collaborate and open yourself up to possibilities. Trust me when I say it took me 2 years to realize this lesson; a mistake I don’t want you to waste more than 2 days on. So, if you are in development, accept it as a great possibility and do not allow your hurt pride or stubbornness to get in the way of your potential greatness.

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