Should Content Creators Ask For an NDA before Pitching? 

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Should Content Creators Ask For an NDA before Pitching? 
We Pass

Someone asked my thoughts on getting NDA’s before pitching show ideas to network and production companies. It’s a topic that distresses me greatly! As you see from the email pictures below, 3 years ago, during my first pitch ever, I’d received earth shattering news days after having received “next steps” from the network. I truly believe it was because I’d asked them to sign an NDA. But, I digress.

Now, I have a better understanding of the reasons why networks and production companies cringe at being asked to sign NDA’s after recently speaking to the same network executive that wrote the email and interviewing him for my forthcoming book, #100Pitches: Mistakes I’ve Made So Hou Don’t Have To.  But I’d like to dialogue with the general public about this topic to get your input.

I pose this same question to all my fellow content creators, as well as, to the buyers, lawyers or anyone who has input.

“Do you think content creators should ask for an NDA before pitching their show ideas? What are your thoughts?”

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