Work with me

621963_10151985467665453_375570581_oI truly believe in the independent content creator (being one myself), and desire for each and every one of us to achieve success.  I love inspiring and motivating creatives with ideas and strategies to help move their projects forward.  As a human think tank, my goal is always to come up with actionable, step by step plans for success.  I have learned so much from my pitching journey and want nothing more than to share it with you; the good, the body and the ugly!  I believe there is a lesson in it all.

I love collaborating with other content creators.  This page explains all I specialize in and how you can acquire my knowledge and skills.

  1. Get Free Tips. Search my site for pitching tips, how-to’s, and do’s and don’ts.  I give away a lot of free pitching tips and you may be able to find answers to your pitching questions on the site.
  2. Subscribe to my updates. I currently post 1-2 blog post each week. I write about pitching, development, and the business of content creation. Also, be the first to know about my free pitching lessons and other events that are forthcoming.
  3. Buy one of my products. You can find all of my products in my store.  They range from my new book, #100Pitches: Mistakes I’ve Made So You Don’t Have To, to tele-seminars about pitching preparedness, visibility, and the business of pitching. I have a few more projects in development, including a #100Pitches: Workbook and Templates, other pitching books focusing on pitching products and personal and business brands, and a pitching academy! Stay tuned.
  4. Book me as a speaker.  I’ve always loved speaking. I’ve been in the entertainment industry for 20+ years and have a vast knowledge of the industry ranging from writing and producing for theater to producing, directing, writing and pitching film and television, but my messages also span numerous inspirational and motivational topics too.  People typically call on me to speak at their media related events and sit in on and moderate panels discussions. Book me to speak at your event.
  5. Hire me as a pitching/development consultant on your project. I am a think tank and have been called on to help content creators flush out there stories from concept to fruition.  I also coach clients and help develop the perfect pitches for their films, tv shows, and personal brands. Some of my clients have landed on television shows like Queen Boss, Today Show, and have come to me to prepare their pitches for Shark TankHire me to help develop your project and prepare you for pitching.
  6. Hire me to teach my pitching workshops to your students who are entering the real world or at your film festival.  I’m currently workshopping a few different workshops at film festivals that range from mock pitches that win to learning how to create pitching bibles for various genres. I’ve workshopped with organizations like NYWIFT (New York Women in Film and Television) and taught at several film festivals.
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