Why Attaching Celebrities to Your Film & TV Projects Will Make Them More Viable

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Why Attaching Celebrities to Your Film & TV Projects Will Make Them More Viable

Have you ever looked at another independent filmmaker and wondered, “how did they attach that celeb to their project?” Did you notice that their film project drew a lot of attention? Have you wondered how their projects were getting into some of the “bigger” festivals?

To say it plainly, many projects get notoriety simply for who they have attached to the project. Attaching well-known or celebrity talent to your film and television projects will work in your favor and make them more viable. Have you ever wondered why? Why is that one well-known actor or producer can make a festival or distributor say “yes?” One thought that comes to mind is TRUST. It’s easy for one to believe that if you attached a celebrity to your project that it must be a good script or subject matter. Why else would that celebrity say yes? Is what others may think, and so they trust that something must be great about the project.

Another reason it’s so important to package your project with notable talent is because they come with a built in fan base and will draw in viewership.  For this reason alone, festival owners, distributors, and even you may say yes to viewing the film. Think of how many bad movies you went to see because it had your favorite celebrity attached. I’ve made my point here.

In this video, I discuss the biggest reason I believe filmmakers don’t reach out to talent and give one tip on the first step to attaching notable talent to your projects.


Need help pitching your idea to celebrity talent? Contact The Ptich Guru.


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